
2023-10-31 11:48:42 来源:美术网 作者:美术网友投稿 阅读量:702







  据项目团队人员介绍,“光明影院”未来将继续坚持每年制作104部无障碍电影,努力推动同档期电影无障碍版本的放映与推广,减小文化落差,让更多视障朋友享受平等的文化权利,促进全社会的文化共享。 (海文)

[International Day of disabled people] the launching ceremony of the national linkage public welfare screening activity of barrier free films "paying tribute to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China" organized by the "Guangming cinema" of the Communication University of China was held on December 3. The "Guangming cinema" team presented the barrier free films of the "100 years and 100 films" series to the blind associations, schools, communities and libraries in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Macao Special Administrative Region, and invited blind friends all over the country to enjoy the barrier free films carefully selected and produced by the project team, so that visually impaired friends can share the cultural achievements of the new era. December 3 is the 30th International Day of persons with disabilities. Data show that there are more than 17 million visually impaired people in China. How to present the development and changes of the country to visually impaired friends in the form of films to help them better participate in social life? The "Guangming cinema" team launched the "centennial and Centennial Department" plan in combination with the important time node of the Centennial founding of the party. The team selected 100 excellent films reflecting various historical periods since the founding of the party, such as the daughter of the party, the battle of the hundred regiments and lovely China, and launched barrier free versions to review the glorious course of the Communist Party of China since its founding and carry forward the great spirit of the revolutionary ancestors, while enriching the spiritual and cultural life of visually impaired friends. It is reported that, in addition to the offline screening activities, the team also cooperated with the video platform to launch six classic barrier free films with red themes on the theme of "Guangming cinema", including "little soldier Zhang Ga", "railway guerrilla", "Shangganling", "Liu Hulan", "white haired woman" and "nurse diary", so that the visually impaired can revisit the classics and feel the charm of film art without leaving home. Subsequently, the "Guangming cinema" team will also release a series of short videos of "love is a light" on several platforms to tell the story behind the volunteer team. "Guangming cinema" project is a barrier free film production and communication public welfare project jointly launched by Communication University of China, Beijing Gehua cable and Dongfang Jiaying. In the four years since the launch of the project, nearly 400 barrier free films have been produced, entered 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Macao Special Administrative Region, sent barrier free films to 2244 special education schools across the country, and covered 14 concentrated contiguous poverty-stricken areas designated by the State Council point-to-point, benefiting more than 2 million blind people. According to the project team, Guangming cinema will continue to produce 104 barrier free films every year in the future, strive to promote the screening and promotion of barrier free versions of films in the same schedule, reduce the cultural gap, enable more visually impaired friends to enjoy equal cultural rights and promote cultural sharing in the whole society. (Haiwen)

更多排行: 头条光明影院


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